Wintermute Biomedical Founder and CEO shares promising preclinical results on a novel fatty acid-based hydrogel for combating wound infections in military settings.
Urinary catheter market evaluation underscores the opportunity in the USA, emphasizes the benefit of strategic partnerships, and highlights potential patient populations suited for successful market entry.
Company CEO Dr. Tom Rau to present novel nano-micelle solution for combating biowarfare threats, traumatic wound infections, and drug-resistant pathogens
Wintermute secures grant to partner with renowned Mycobacterium expert Professor Eric Nuermberger in pursuit of a breakthrough treatment for neglected Buruli ulcers.
Wintermute's clinical advisory board gains the expertise of a renowned infectious disease expert, enhancing their efforts to combat shingles with their groundbreaking topical therapy Solexan™.
Wintermute Biomedical collaborates with Ten Carbon Chemistry to explore the potential of GS-2 in reusable food packaging with a $260,000 grant from the US Department of Agriculture.
Wintermute Biomedical's fatty acid formulation, GS-1, demonstrates anticancer activity. These findings were recently published in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences.
Testing of Wintermute’s topical antimicrobial therapy, Solexan™, at the State University of New York shows it has potent activity against Varicella Zoster Virus.